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0.5g slim foam bodies 1mm bore(8)


(Quantity discounts available)

Stock Level: 1070

Product Information

 slim  foam  bodies.

These bodies are made from closed cell foam. 

This is a “high tech” material stronger and lighter than balsa. 

This foam can be glued and painted with all the same materials as balsa including cellulose. 

Foam will never take on water.  Glue a 1mm glass  stem through the body with about 1cm of stem above the body. 

Then glue a 1.5mm or 2mm hollow tip on to this piece of stem.

Use 1.5 or 2.0mm tips with a 1mm bore.

pack of 8

Product Code: 052ENCJ28

Quantity Discounts

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Customer Reviews

Average Rating: 0

making 10 x no 11 wire stem floats

I've bought hundreds of these to make my very popular 10 x no 11 floats, use 12cm .6mm wire stem and a 2.0mm hollow tip. Araldite the body into the wire leaving 1cm for the hollow top to go on, sleeve the wire with pole float silicone so the tip fits flush cut to desired size and araldite in place, your choice of eye but this has now made one of the best most stable carp floats around :-) Anthony Waters

anthony waters :: 28 Oct 2013, 13:36

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